A blooming great day.

Today is a special day and I had two pieces of news that reinforced that. One-our son and granddaughter are coming to visit tomorrow,two-I had a phone call from someone who won ‘Never Run Away’ in a raffle and she wants to read the rest of my work. What more could an author want?
I’m sitting looking at a vase of daffodils and wondering if they will come out today. One is almost blooming so I think they might. They are my favourite flowers because yellow is such a happy colour.
Flowers remind me of so many different things, asters remind me of my father, orchids remind me of my mother, bluebells remind me of our home in Halstead, Kent, where we used to go over the bridge across the road to the bluebell woods and white and red roses mean Yorkshire and Lancashire. Mock orange blossom reminds me of our wedding and love-in-a mist reminds me of the first garden I had as a child.
It’s not like me to go all romantic – I must be getting in the mood for my next book! All I need now is a handsome hunk with denim blue eyes, a deep voice and a charming smile – oh, I forgot – I’ve already got one!